Circle is Now a Choice Pantry

“The dignity of man is in free choice” Max Frisch

On September 27, Circle of Concern held a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the completion of its transition to a choice pantry, giving clients a new sense of dignity and control when it comes to their food choices.

“This is an amazing milestone for the food pantry, and one that would not be possible without the generosity of so many kind-hearted, giving people in the community,” said Circle’s executive director, Cyndi Miller.

To accommodate this new way of “pantrying”, adjustments were made to the pantry layout to improve shopper experience and maximize storage and work spaces. Pantry workers continue to hear great things from clients about the new pantry model, including “now I can plan my meals!”

The client choice pantry model not only gives clients’ choices, it reduces waste and addresses medical, dietary and cultural needs.